Setting up a clinic?
Our menu of 'Bright Ideas' can help
Our aim is to inspire you, help you develop your ideas,
give you new ideas, steer you in the right direction and importantly - help you plan your clinic.
Like many consumer-led industries the medical aesthetic market is very competitive and today's 'cosmetic consumer'
is very discerning and demanding. Your clinic will be competing with a number of other smaller clinics as well as
beauty salons and other larger clinics offering cosmetic treatments and of course the large national "chain" clinics
that are present in most major towns and cities.
Despite this, there is still plenty of room in the market clinics that establishes themselves with sensible planning
and have clear strategies for marketing, client retention, training, customer care and of course a sustainable business
model. You do not always need to invest huge sums of money to establish your clinic but you do need to be clear about
the investment of time and personal commitment that is needed by you to make it succeed.
Whether you are a dentist with an existing dental practice looking to offer cosmetic treatments to your patients or
whether you are a medical doctor or nurse looking to set-up a part-time business to supplement your NHS work or more, The Clinic Business Coach can help.
There is no single "right" way to set-up a cosmetic clinic because every practitioners' circumstances are different.
There is in fact a whole host of scenarios to getting started but we are able to support you and guide you along the
way with our range of training, coaching and "hand-holding" services.

"Whether you are a doctor, nurse, dentist or owner, looking to establish
a clinic offering cosmetic treatments, we are able to support and guide you and your team with a range of
training, coaching and "hand-holding" services that cover a wide range of
aspects in clinic planning and operation"
Martin MacKenzie
The Clinic Business Coach Managing Director
These can cover areas such as ...
- Where do I start? General guidance
- Planning your business
- Accessing quality hands-on training
- Location and premises considerations
- Insurance implications
- Your 'client pathway' analysis
- Branding Marketing & Advertising strategy
- Patient literature
- Pricing and competitor analysis
- Website content and development
- Call handling and appointments
- Ethical selling techniques
- Client retention strategies
- Client payment options
- Clinic management and 'back-office' processes
- Treatment paperwork and record keeping
- Staffing resources
- Peer support access
- Industry and supplier information
- Aspects of industry regulation
- Policies and procedures
- Gaining informed consent
- Clinical Governance
- Managing complications
- Useful Organisations
- Useful Publications
- Revalidation
- Social Media and Networking
- Increasing skincare sales
- Education and training
This list is not exhaustive and we can discuss with you which are the most appropriate or relevant to you at each
stage of your business's evolution.
Most of the coaching and training services listed above are provided directly by us. Other specialist services that
you may need (such as insurance, hands-on treatment technique training, website hosting, virtual PA services etc..)
are provided by key partners that we have carefully selected for you.
How we work
The services we offer can be delivered in a number of ways. The advent of efficient, face-to-face communications such as Skype, has
revolutionised communication and facilitates more flexibility in how we can provide support for you. The way we work with each client or
clinic will therefore depend on a number of factors such as the type of services or packages chosen, distance, frequency of work etc.
Some services will require personal visits by us to you, or vice versa whereas some will simply require telephone or Skype communication.
Our services are to a large extent personal to you and are tailored to suit your individual clinic needs as well as the skills and knowledge
of you and your team. We offer a free telephone conversation at first to help us build up a better picture of what you are looking for and
how we can help you. Following that, we will develop a proposal or set of proposals for you and this will continue until we have matched your
needs with our proposal.
We can then decide what level of support you need and the services you require and agree a fee that is appropriate to that agreed proposal.
Whether you are a doctor, dentist, nurse, practice manager or owner, we have a range of
services to help you set up and develop a successful cosmetic clinic.
Contact The Clinic Business Coach Make your clinic shine!